Large public baths (thermae) represented the immense investment and importance the ritual of cleansing and bathing had for the ancient Romans. For the Romans, the bathing process was a social event. It is also important to add that the small to colossal bathing complexes presented bathers with a process as they endeavoured to cleanse themselves, moving from room to room, undertaking a great many and different processes. Furthermore, large baths, such as those of Diocletian, show that there was more to attending the baths, as the meeting rooms, libraries and gymnasiums demonstrate.
The baths of Caracalla and Diocletian while colossal in size, was just two examples. That being said, during the reign of Augustus, it was said that there were up to 170 bathing facilities within Rome, and Boethius, during the 4th-century informs us that this had risen to 952 by the year 354 A.D. It was a highly important daily routine for the ancient Romans, furthermore, anecdotal accounts passed down to us today attest, how advisors to the emperor and/or those seeking favour, approached the emperor after he attended the thermae.
‘After his siesta he went to the bath and the dining-room; and it is said that at no time was he more good-natured or indulgent, so that the members of his household eagerly watched for these opportunities of making requests.’ Suetonius Life of Vespasian 21 📗✍
Another anecdote, albeit, it involves a location outside of Rome, but it helps demonstrate the importance for baths in areas throughout the empire.
‘The village, which is separated only by one residence from my own, supplies my modest wants; it boasts of three public baths, which are a great convenience, when you do not feel inclined to heat your own bath at home, if you arrive unexpectedly or wish to save time’’ Pliny the Younger Ep. 2.17.26 📗✍
